Thursday, March 31, 2011

The rupture of father-son bonds

The rupture of father-son bonds

Page 45 - “The only thing that keeps me alive,” he kept saying “ is to know that Reizel and the little ones are still alive. Were it not for them, i would give up.”

page 75- “ I am asking you... Take it, do as I ask you, my son. Time is running out. Do as your father asks you.”

Page 91- But then I remembered something else: his son had seen him losing ground, sliding back to the rear of the column. he had seen him. And he had continued to run in front, letting the distance between them become greater.

Page 111- I listened to him with out interrupting. He was right, i thought deep down, not daring to admit it to myself. To late to save your old father... You could have two rations of bread, two rations of soup...

Click here to see my movie on the Tok server

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